Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Hobo With A Shotgun Invading Your Home Today!

I thought I'd remind everyone that Jason Eisener's Hobo With A Shotgun was released for purchasing and owning today. Checking around a lot of people love this thing, but a lot of people seem to really hate it. I'm not seeing any middle ground for this one. No one seems to think it was just alright. Me, I loved it. I've seen it 3 times now and it keeps getting funnier every time I see it. Rutger Hauer just kills it in this movie and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Molly Dunsworth.

Not only is the movie totally bananas, the blu-ray and DVD are filled with highly watchable features. I don't spend much time with extra features usually, but I've had my blu-ray going for about 4 hours now and there's still a ton of stuff to get through. The making of documentary is a beauty. Watching the director of a movie holding a camera, hanging off the back of a moving pickup while another guy holds him by the back of his shirt is one of the best things I've ever seen. Not just in a documentary, I mean ever.

The tremendously loaded Blu-ray and 2-disc DVD are actually on sale this week at Best Buy for $17.99, and if you take a moment to print this coupon, out you can have it for $13. It's certainly not a movie everyone is going to love, but at this price immediately after its release I highly recommend a purchase. I have no affiliation with Hobo or with Best Buy, just wanting to save some potential Hobo purchasers some money.

Side note: Hobo With A Shotgun has made me realize my next car has to be a Bricklin. Sure the car is considered to be one of the worst ever made, but how fucking cool are these things:

Hey, they wrecked the one in the movie, maybe they'll sell it to me cheap.


  1. Hauer completely owned HOBO. Without him I'm not sure if I would have liked it that much.

    and good to see you posting again...

  2. Nice to see you back! Hobo with a Shotgun was Rad! It was hard for me not too think of it as canuxploitation since everyone was very Canadian(except Hauer of course).

  3. Yeah, HOBO was CLASSIC - great to see you back dude!!!

  4. What is unfortunate is that Hobo is still opening in theaters around the US for another three months and the DVD is already available. This movie got almost zero screen time.

  5. Okay, so how about some Kaiju soundtracks? Gamera, Godzilla etc. There was a Korean giant-monster flick too, now what was that called?

  6. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Glad to see you posting again! Thank you for the heads up on HOBO, I rushed out and picked it up today. Goddamned amazing, thanks!

  7. Do you know if there is a complete official or fan created soundtrack to Hobo with a Shotgun. I was looking for one, but didn't find anything.
