Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Possessed/Demon Witch Child from Code Red

The latest from Code Red has just been released, a double feature of the 1974 Charles Nizet film Possessed (also known by the hilarious title Help Me...I'm Possessed) and Armando de Ossorio's Demon Witch Child from 1975.


A mad doctor (Bill Greer, who also wrote the screenplay) runs a sanitarium in the desert, where his hunchbacked servant (Pierre Agostino) whips women who are chained in the basement and cuts the legs off bodies so they'll fit in the caskets! INSANE! INCREDIBLE! OUTRAGEOUS! Directed by Charles Nizet (SLAVES OF LOVE).

Rated PG / 1.78:1 16x9 / COLOR


Spanish horror icon Amando de Ossorio directed this shocking horror film about a possessed little girl (Marian Salgado), looking older than her age, who cuts off her mother's boyfriend’s cock, and then gives it to her mother. Spanish character actor Fernando Sancho and Julian Mateos (COLD EYES OF FEAR) as an avant-garde priest all boogie down into a wild cockfight of good versus evil in this Spanish mishmash of exorcism! The beginning credits are so good, that the American distributor shows some of it twice!

Rated R / 1.78:1 16x9 / COLOR

Get it directly from Code Red here. I put in my order this morning, so I'll be reviewing this one when I get it. Bill has also added a ton of older Code Red double features to the site, so you can grab any you might've missed before.

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