Monday, June 10, 2013

Manchester Morgue Monday Movie Trailer Roundup

Tons of interesting new trailers have popped up on the internets today. I've checked out several sites and weeded through dozens of trailers (okay, more like 10) to bring you the best of what I found.

Up first is a very quick teaser for 'Amer' directors Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani's 'The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears'. Very Giallo title, but I'm not sure what it's actually about. This teaser doesn't really show anything, and the plot summary is only slightly less vague:

A woman vanishes.
Her husband inquires into the strange circumstances of her disappearance.
Did she leave him? Is she dead?
As he goes along searching, he plunges into a world of nightmare and violence…

Next up The Underneath - a spelunking thriller starring a guy named Holt Boggs

And now for Spook Central, an unauthorized Ghostbusters documentary from some guy who is reading way too much in to a movie about a group of scientists and a random black guy who vacuum up ghosts. Okay, really it actually just kinda seems like a few smartasses decided to make a super serious fake documentary about a comedy:

And now time for a little Truth or Dare, for those of you who like your horror a little torturey. You have to be over 18 to watch this trailer, if you're not over 18, there's nothing you can do. Unless you, I don't know, just fill in the boxes below with a random date that was more than 18 years ago.

I've saved the most exciting for last, a thrilling look at director Joko Anwar's Ritual, formerly known as Modus Anomali. I have no idea what's going on, but whatever it is looks intense.

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