Friday, June 21, 2013

Prepare To Be Eaten At Cannibal Diner

Here's another upcoming film that mixes beautiful large breasted women and cannibalism. Alhough where Compulsion is a Thriller, Cannibal Diner is a full-on gore soaked horror film.

"Kati (Lesch) is a young model on her way to a birthday party for her little sister, Celine (Baum). Tanja (Rohder), Kati's best friend, and some of the others want to celebrate and camp near the woods. While preparing the party, the girls get attacked by strangers. Kati, still on her way to the camping place, loses her way in the woods and is led onto the wrong track by a vagabond (Klauss). When her car is stolen afterwards, Kati finds herself lost in the deep forest and arrives at an old factory, where a clan of cannibals is already preparing their feast... main course: Kati's friends."

The title had me briefly excited that it was a remake of Blood Diner, sadly I'm not seeing a pair of goofball idiot brothers, or a diner. In fact, from the trailer I'm not seeing any kind of eating establishment whatsoever. Still, it does look like a hell of a good time at the movies and we'll be able to check out the DVD release October 15th from BRINKvision.

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