Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Crap guys, I feel like I owe the followers of this place a bit of an apology for the inactivity around here lately. This past week I've been stuck at a friend's house which is overflowing with people, and in addition to the nearly Home Alone sized headcount over there the internet access is very spotty making even a simple cut and paste press release post a massive undertaking. Another huge negative to my living situation is that I don't have access to a private TV to watch the pile of review copies I have accumulating in the corner of the room. I can watch Master Chef or whatever rubbish is playing in the living room all I want but trying to watch and review something like Street Trash or X-Ray in a house this packed with old people and children is kind of impossible.

For the next two days I'll be in a hotel so I can update a bit, but I'll be out of town from Friday until Tuesday so once I get back we should have a house rented which will hopefully mean I'll be able to get this site back in proper action by the end of next week.

I know this isn't a major site or anything, but judging by the page view counts there are a decent amount of people checking Manchester Morgue out on a semi regular basis, so I do want to apologize for kinda letting this place go to shit for the past couple of weeks.

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