Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Full Moon's 4th of July 50% Off Sale

Yet again it's time for Full Moon's annual 4th of July sale. Pretty much the entire site is on sale this time, even the "authentic" Wizard VHS big boxes. A word of warning though, shipping is a real son of a bitch. I put a $10 Wizard Video t-shirt in my cart, just one shirt, lowest ship option - Nine dollars. Yes, it's true the USPS did bump up their shipping prices recently, but not enough to where a Large t-shirt costs $9 to ship within the US. My company Phelpso (which, much like this very site is not so much a bunch of people in a building, but just me by myself in a house) occasionally sells DVDs on Amazon, shipping costs nowhere near what Full Moon is charging for it, even when you factor in shipping supplies. 

Anyway, probably some deals to be had even with the free shipping, as long as you're putting in a larger order. Check the sale out here.

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