Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Argento's Dracula Gets Misleadingly Awesome Poster

Pretty much everyone who has seen Dario Argento's 3-D Dracula knows that it's anything but awesome. Dreadful, ridiculous and hilarious, sure. Awesome? Nope. For the US theatrical release (why?) IFC has decided to try and dupe everyone into thinking otherwise by commissioning this incredible piece of art for the theatrical poster.

I say avoid this one. As do these people. But for those of you who aren't swayed by those negative reviews and are still interested in seeing one of the worst Dracula movies you'll ever see, you will be able to do so starting October 4th.

1 comment:

  1. I will watch this. I will own this. The poster, scratch that, this beautiful piece of art, came after I decided these things. This movie I'm sure is a beautiful piece of art as well. Good day sir. I said good day!
