Friday, May 01, 2009

Eden Log

Here's something cool I just stumbled upon. Seppuku Paradigm, composers for the 2007 French film Eden Log are offering up (most of) the score to the film here as a free download. Seppuku Paradigm's music was also featured in the wildly uneven 2008 film Martyrs, so if you enjoyed the music in Martyrs, give this a listen. I haven't heard this yet myself, but I'm downloading it now and thought I'd share the link.


  1. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Thanks Phelpster and Seppuku Paradigm. Downloading now and will check it-check it--out.


  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    After a listen in the deep deep down quiet of night i found myself in other states of reality as i rushed to put these audio highs of transitory transformations into my explore and dungeon music folder for the computer game FALLOUT 3 to enhance the devastation of the wastelands. Thank you for the creepy.

