Miss me? I've been absent of late for a good reason this time. I've gotten, not really a promotion in that there is no monetary increase, but a different title/position at my job. More responsibility, more chances for me to screw something up - plus it's technically two jobs in one - why woud I think they'd give me more money? What am I, an asshole? With this job(s) comes more hours than I've worked in the past few years - since I started Manchester in fact - so I don't have a lot of extra time to do what I feel like doing.
This new job title is good because I get to deal with way less people and their bullshit. I'm not a team player, I'm a "give me a list of shit to do, and leave me to do it by myself" kind of employee. However it's bad because it is absolutely exhausting. A mysterious kind of exhausting where it doesn't seem like you've really done all that much but by the time you get home you are just wiped for the rest of the night and you just feel sleepy, bored and kind of angry. It's the exact same feeling I get when I try to get through an episode of The Cleveland Show.
I've been a bit zombified lately. Not in a cool "infected by experimental military toxins, so I've stopped living and become a mixed-up, flesh-eating zombie" way, more in a Fido worker/helper/drone kind of way. To sum it up, I'm not going anywhere, but until I adjust to my new schedule my posting will probably be less frequent. Of course I've been pretty relaxed with my posting schedule for some time now, so this doesn't really affect anything.
That said, I do have something you guys should dig. I'll now point you towards something I'd been working on this past month for Illogical Contraption - a blog of unparalleled badassery. Shelby Cobras, proprietor of Illogical invited me to take part in their "Bromantic Interludes" series in which they give guests from other blogs a theme and let them have a go at a compilation. My theme was the fine art of "Murder", and I'm kicking myself now for not using the Malevolent Creation song The Fine Art of Murder on my compilation. Drat. Maybe they'll let me do a sequel? Anywho, head on over and check it out.

Dealing with less bullshit is definitely a plus.
Already talking sequels? I've got to admit: I'm down.
As long as it's more RoboCop II and less Teen Wolf II, that is...
Yeah, definitely more Robocop II than Teen Wolf II. A college boxing team? What the hell is that? Actually probably more Texas Chainsaw Massacre II, just go apeshit and make it bizarre and hilarious.
I amassed enough murder songs for almost 2 compilations putting the first one together so I can whip one up pretty soon. Just gotta work on a title/art. I was thinking Killer Klowns From Innerspace, but I couldn't figure out a way to work art from the two movies together.
Sounds awesome, and I'm sure there's a way to work the imagery of those two films together -- I mean, Martin Short already looks like a Killer Klown. Email me when you feel like rockin...
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