This is the Marvel mini-series Mort The Dead Teenager. In the first issue Mort Graves is denogginized by a train during a drag racing accident. With the help of Teen Death, Mort gets to see what his world is like without him. Or something like that, I'm not finished with it yet. It lasted for 4 issues in 1993/94, each of which can be downloaded in the link below.
Searching for some information to use for this post I found countless sites mentioning a Tarantino produced film version of Mort that was in development a few years ago. And here I thought Man-Thing was a bit too obscure for someone to try and make into a movie. The only rumored cast member at the time was Jessica Simpson (not as hot as the world thinks, by the way) Presumably she would've been cast as the dumb chick with big cans and not Mort.
Searching for some information to use for this post I found countless sites mentioning a Tarantino produced film version of Mort that was in development a few years ago. And here I thought Man-Thing was a bit too obscure for someone to try and make into a movie. The only rumored cast member at the time was Jessica Simpson (not as hot as the world thinks, by the way) Presumably she would've been cast as the dumb chick with big cans and not Mort.
Things To Watch For:
Death Rides A Train
Apostrophe S - It's a word
The Lighter Side of Automobile Related Teenage Fatalities
Mort Gets A Head of Himself
She's Been De-Feeted!
Yngwie's Brother Yngwe