Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Jet Black Berries - Postmodern Ghosts Sept. 7th

Holy shit, apparently I fell into some kind of 25 day coma here. Quite sorry about that, my blog post writer's block has come back with a fierce vengeance lately. I've got stuff I want to post but it's a real hassle when you can't think of what to write on a post. My delete key is really getting a workout these days.

Anyway, you may remember last year I posted about Jet Black Berries reforming and releasing an EP. Well, today I received an email from Roy Stein - drummer extraordinaire of JBB. He wanted to let me know that their new full-length album Postmodern Ghosts (great title, by the way) will be released Sept. 7th (William Katt's birthday!) and you can check out a few of their new tracks out.

Jet Black Berries - Give It All Away by phelpster1

I love the first track God With A Gun, I've looped it for about 25 minutes straight now. Needless to say, I think it's pretty excellent. I like the others as well, but God With A Gun is really working for me. Check the new tracks out, and I'll be getting the new album soon and I'll post my thoughts once I've had a chance to digest the whole album.


Anonymous said...

Glad they're still at it, though I prefer the original version of "Garden of Delights" on their ep from the "New Math" days!

Anonymous said... must be high...have you actually listened to that earlier version??? the new one tops it in every way...


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