Wednesday, July 16, 2008

CREEPY - Spine Tingling Tales of the Macabre!

Here is a new set of Creepy. This includes #127, 128, 129, 130, 131, and 132. Be sure to be on the look out by a special guest appearance by Angus Scrimm!

Sadly I actually only have about 1, maybe 2 more sets of Creepy left in my collection, so that kinda sucks. But I've got plenty of other comics, some incomplete EC sets and stuff like that so I'll find some more good stuff to put up once I'm out of Creepy.

I actually tried posting this last night until a very minor mistake on my part made a huge mess of my computer. Anyone who has ever split a large file using WinRar knows you have to put an "M" after the desired file size. For example, if you need it to be split into 100 MB parts, you put 100M. I got distracted and missed the M, so instead of getting 2 files, I ended up with 65,000 very tiny files on my computer. That's right, 65,000. Sure it was only a combined total of about 26MB before I caught the mistake, but having that many files on my computer at once almost killed it. Anyway, I'm back up and running now, so here you go.


Anonymous said...

absolute great work and stuff

many thanks

Alpha Stone said...

I'm still thankful for your "Big Lots" recommendation and Sammy Johns download. Much appreciated.

I would honestly purchase these Creepy magazines at the bookstore if they would reissue them. Ever heard of these classic magazines coming back in print? I know they recently reissued the Tales from the Crypt (and other EC titles).

Anonymous said...

Hi Boss, There is no 126 in the winrar.
Thanks for all this great stuff. Vince

phelpster said...

Gilligan - You're very welcome:) I'm hooked on that Big Lots store, I'm in there like once a week.

Vince - Oh, good call, I left 126 out. I'll be sure to include it in the next post. Oh and about issue #76, I was going to upload it for you, but my file is corrupt too, so it won't open. Sorry about that, hopefully I can find on that works.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the up-date. It's appreciated. After all the work you do for us Fans! Vince


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