Thursday, June 14, 2007

Got mummies? Try Hostess Twinkies!

I was looking through some old comics (the May 1975 issue of Black Magic to be exact) and came across this, my new favorite ad ever. Batman and Robin defeating a vengeful mummy with a box of Twinkies. I don't know why, but this ad is hilarious to me. While the art looks fantastic it leaves so many unanswered questions. What is a "Cheop", and why are they great? Why does the mummy speak English? Where the hell did Batman get that box of Twinkies? I mean really, a superhero has to be in absolute top physical shape, why would he have a box of junk food on him at all times? How did the mummy, whose tomb was just recently violated within the past couple of minutes know that Hostess' Twinkies were delicious? This mummy must get out a lot.

I'm surprised Robin isn't a little more upset that he got shafted on that Special Mummy Ray Gun. Why would they make a weapon exclusively designed to kill mummies if mummies can't be killed by ray guns? He should probably try and return that. I've also gotta say this is a pretty disappointing victory for our heroes. They just give the mummy a dozen or so Twinkies and get the hell out of there. Once he runs out of Twinkies won't he just be vengeful again and try and kill the next professor (and his beautiful daughter) that comes along? So many questions.


Erick said...

Another question--

How did Batman and Robin move that two ton stone?

Anonymous said...

Don't ask questions! Just consume product! Consume product! CONSUME PRODUCT!

While he only updates once in a blue moon, Seanbaby has a whole page devoted to these Hostess ads, both Marvel and DC. (Be warned, the commentary's quite vulgar--but with titles like "Spidey Spoils A Snatch" how could they NOT be?)

Recently, very wicked Hostess Ad parodies were created for "Marvel Zombies" (official!) and Marvel MAX's "Nighthawk" (fan work). Much gruesomeness was involved.

phelpster said...

erick - I'm sure they came wearing their Special Huge Stone Moving Gloves that they got free with the purchase of the Special Mummy Ray Gun.

happenstance - Holy crap, there are like a hundred of these things. I had no idea, I've only seen two in the big stack of old comics I recently got. Makes my little post seem so inconsequential. Still, my site is really lacking in the mummy department, so I'm still glad I put it up.

Anonymous said...

Cheops is the greek name for Khufu. He was a pharaoh so I guess he was great in his own eyes at least ;).

Isbum said...

Twinkies are loaded with preservatives. Perhaps that's the connection.

Subminister For Propaganda said...

Art is by the ever-awesome Neal Adams...


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